A New Year, A New Look, A New Deaf-Friendly World

Posted by: Staff Writer on March 6, 2021

The pandemic has been a catalyst for so many of us and has pushed businesses to embrace change in radically new ways. As deaf consumers, we are experiencing these changes in real-time and deaffriendly.com is changing with it.

Being deaf-friendly, in a masked world, has never been more relevant or important as a tool to navigate what it means to be deaf-friendly in today’s world. Deaf people are gaining more visibility than perhaps at any other time.  Here at deaffriendly.com, we are your partner, hand in hand, going through these changes together and learning together how we can make an impact in ensuring businesses are accessible to their deaf and hard of hearing customers, even as they change the way they do business with us. 

But one thing hasn’t changed: Our desire to create a deaf-friendly world through consumer reviews, like yours! 

Deaffriendly.com, as your review platform, continues to grow, thrive, and evolve. Thanks to you, our reviewers, we now have over 3,500 reviews across the nation and in all kinds of industries ranging from retail to medical and everything in between. We know there are many more experiences to be shared and businesses that need to be reviewed. 

Change also means transformation. This year is a year of transformation for us here at deaffriendly.com, too; In 2021 we are launching a new logo, a new website, and new opportunities. These changes reflect not just who we are in the context of today’s dramatically different world, it also reflects where we are going. We are transforming through emphasizing our deaffriendly Consulting services (for a more personal, curated touch) as well as deaffriendly Learning through online courses. 

At heart, we will always be the same review site that is committed to making the world more deaf-friendly, one review at a time. 

We are here to support both consumers and businesses in creating a deaf-friendly world, together. Our new logo reflects this using the image of three people, with deaf-friendly in the center acting as a bridge between the consumer and businesses. Deaffriendly helps connect the two in creating improved deaffriendly experiences through reviews, education, and advocacy so we can work together to create a deaf-friendly world.

We believe in supporting the deaf-ecosystem. We do this ourselves, by hiring people and businesses who are also deaf, like us. As part of our transformation team, Deaf graphic designer Buddy Elledge as well as the amazing team at Dozanu, have worked closely with us on our new look. 

More than ever, we need your reviews; our community is navigating a new world and re-examining the deaf-friendliness of businesses that have changed the way they do things. Our needs have changed with it. And so, too, must our reviews. With your help, we can make sure deaf consumers know where to go - which businesses are deaf-friendly, and which businesses are not. 

Do your part in creating a deaf-friendly world!

A blue pill shaped box with Write a Review in white font


Comment Policy

We’re aware that issues facing the Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and Hard of Hearing Community can become quite passionate and divided. What can we say, we’re a group of passionate people! While we fully support a community full of passion, we also require that comments are respectful. We think negative attitudes and disrespect are a waste of everyone’s time and energy. This doesn’t mean you can’t disagree with people, you just need to do it respectfully. We reserve the right to delete or edit any comments we feel are judgmental, rude, or of attacking nature.


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