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A Stylish Match: Starbucks Order App + Deaf Street Style

Posted by: Staff Writer on Sept. 16, 2015  |  Comments

Sometimes us staffers think Seattle is the center of the universe, or at least the birthplace of really cool things -, R.E.I., Microsoft, and Nirvana are just the tip of the iceberg. Our Ballard office is a hop and skip away from the actual Center of the Universe. We gush about local things, but get really excited when local goodness goes nationwide, such as the new Starbucks Mobile Order App which allows you to place your order using your mobile phone.

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Got Deaf-Friendly Resolutions? Let Us Count the Ways.

Posted by: Staff Writer on Jan. 8, 2013  |  Comments

Whether you're a Type-A personality or a serial couch potato, there's little doubt about what's been on your mind: New Year's resolutions. To make, or to not make? To resolve big, or to resolve little? You see, resolutions are like religion. Even if you don't overtly subscribe to it, the chiming of the midnight clock rattles through our champagne-induced joy, making all of us realize that it's time to (once again) try to be a better person.

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