A Stylish Match: Starbucks Order App + Deaf Street Style
Posted by: Staff Writer on Sept. 16, 2015
Sometimes us staffers think Seattle is the center of the universe, or at least the birthplace of really cool things - deaffriendly.com, R.E.I., Microsoft, and Nirvana are just the tip of the iceberg. Our Ballard office is a hop and skip away from the actual Center of the Universe. We gush about local things, but get really excited when local goodness goes nationwide, such as the new Starbucks Mobile Order App which allows you to place your order using your mobile phone.
Yep. You read that right! The Starbucks Mobile Order App, with a new order feature allows you to get your hands on a double-tall mocha frappuccino with just a touch of a button. We first reviewed it here, and it has finally begun to launch in other states across the country. According to a June 15, 2015 press release by Starbucks, seventeen more states have begun to make the Mobile Order App for iphones available to use.
The process is simple.....
Download the App
Upload payment info and/or rewards card
Order ahead of time and customize your drink/food order
Select your location (it will suggest the closest location to you using GPS locator)
Start driving or walking to the nearest Starbucks
Enter, eye the line, smirk and go right to the pick up station, bypassing all of the people
Shake your phone (this lets them know you have entered)
Grab your beverage and food, take a moment and marvel at how genius this is and how you are totally winning today
Walk out the door, drink in hand and tell everyone how #deaffriendly it is
Are you an android user and feeling a bit left out? No worries, Starbucks has this to say: “Starbucks Mobile Order & Pay is available on the Starbucks® App for iPhone at more than 4,000 Starbucks stores across the Pacific Northwest, southern and central United States. Starbucks plans to expand the program to the Android platform and all U.S. company-operated stores in 2015.”
Deaf Street Style and deaffriendly decided to team up and rock out this App and highlight another awesome Seattle-born institution: Deaf Street Style was founded by the dynamic and stylish, Gabby Hopkinson, a Deaf woman who lives in the Seattle metro area with her Deaf husband and three Deaf boys. Think of Deaf Street Style as the Deaf version of Humans of New York, and a “visual storyboard" of who we are.
Gabby photographs Deaf fashionistas in their element, interviewing them about their lifestyle and fashion. This time deaffriendly conducted the interview with Deaf Street Style photographing the shots, featuring the latest #deaffriendly App by Starbucks, and spotlighting another powerhouse woman Patty Liang, the director of Deaf Spotlight - a nonprofit organization that inspires, encourages, and showcases creative works of, by, and for Deaf people in the Pacific Northwest through events that celebrate Deaf culture and American Sign Language.
We asked Patty to download the Starbucks App, take it for a test drive, and afterwards pose for a photo shoot and interview Deaf Street Style.
And there you have it folks - the perfect example of Seattle-greatness, creating a #deaffriendly world, one idea, one business woman, and one review at a time.
- starbucks
- order
- app
- deaf street style
- patty liang
- seattle
- deaffriendly
- rei
- microsoft
- nirvana
- ballard
- starbucks mobile order app
- mobile phone
- accessiblity
- deaf