Pasta Freska


This is my first pick for DeafReview! I have to rave about Pasta Freska, a tiny 'hole in the wall' authentic Italian restaurant nested at the bottom of Queen Anne. If you're up for a challenge then this is the place for you! The atmosphere is pretty unique. The Chef will greet each diners personally and get to know their preferences. He was very patience and generous with us, a group of 5 deaf people, mind you. When we were in for a surprise. "No menu? Ah! What do we do?!" He took his time to explain in his writing that everybody be dining in style. Just pick out white or red wine then the experience will start. Sit back and enjoy. He didn't treat us differently at all. He and his waitstaffs were so humble, understanding and attended our table often. We were in surprise when we got served with all the high quality Italian fares. Wow. The food is excellent. This place blows Olive's Garden outta of the water. I believe we had 6 to 8 rotating small courses served at our tables. For a excellent dining experience like this, the cost was pretty reasonable. It was worth spending on. If you're coming in a group, I highly recommend one credit/debit card for a large tab. Splitting tabs is no fun. Also I have to emphasize that they take reservations only. Online reservations can be made through! Again, the atmosphere is pretty unique and small. The lighting in the restaurant is well dimmed. Deaf friendly? Yes. Deaf-Blind and Usher friendly? Probably not. Overall grade? A+

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