The White House

Anonymous User

It has been a stressful time for all of us around the world dealing with this COVID-19. Am proud of our governor of Washington State hiring qualified Deaf interpreters for his press conferences these last few weeks. It is SO nice to have a choice of reading captions or watching the Deaf interpreters. Why can't the White House do the same thing during their press conferences? I have yet to see Trump use ASL interpreters during his press conferences. 

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a mains levee

Captioning is provided sometimes.  Not always available in LIVE version, and often has errors leaving us to figure out what is being said.  No real time interpreters present leaving our community out of emergency announcements.  At this time, it’s challenging to keep up with what we can do in solidarity.  

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Anonymous User

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the White House has captioned their press conferences and announcements in all instances I can tell. They have however failed to provide a qualified ASL interpreter on camera. This is a huge disappointment as many of us cannot access the message and know what is going on during this crazy time. I expect better from our President of the United States! Please fix this by providing FULL access to our community!! 

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